Get To Know Us
Company & Founder
Who is Empress Divine?
Empress Divine is a represented by beautiful multi-cultural African men and women, all around the world who love their kinky, coily Natty hair!
✓ We built our company on the foundation of research and the “beauty, health, nature” approach.
✓ We are premium multi-cultural, holistic, healthy hair growth and retention advocates.
✓ We attentively and thoroughly listen to the voices of our consumers, and create a solution to their health hair skin problems & concerns.
✓ We offer a comprehensive methodology to achieving beautiful healthy hair, and skin by infusing our hair care products with Nature, vitamins and essential nutrients such as Biotin, Vitamin A, B, C, D, & E and more.
✓ We believe in maintaining an intimate relationship between our team, our customers, and the consumers.
✓ We invest in our customers by providing them with scientific data about their hair and product needs via social media, web, and live events.
Owner Founder and CEO
Empress Keshayla started in her kitchen as a Plant-based Formulator and has since made her way to becoming a highly recognized Natural Health & Beauty Influencer. Keshayla is optimistic and innovative. She has many years of experience in Entrepreneurship, Health, Beauty, Fashion, Retail Marketing & Direct Marketing, She is currently serving in Ministry, works as a Plant-based formulator, Product Developer, Commercial Print Model, Mentor, and Public Speaker. She's the Ultimate definition of an Empress, governing her empire and walking her path to the mark of the high calling!
These skills make it easy for her to get in front of a camera and bring ideas of the visual to life. Her creative mind also allows her to pitch top beauty brand retailers, pick out packaging and branding for the business, as well as social media and direct marketing.
Keshayla is a multitalented & thriving young business professional. Keshayla continued to create and ride her own wave, working hard. Expanding her brand, The upcoming mogul committed herself to providing the absolute best in beauty, hair care & wellness with her 2018 launch of her lifestyle 4C Natural haircare product, “GoodNatty” catering to diverse groups of all men & women around the world. Keshayla aspires to become a NY times best selling author, empower young men and woman of all ages, ethnic groups & backgrounds.
Bound by her Spiritual Roots & creed of humility, Keshayla is determined to break industry barriers & prove that although it is a “Man’s World” it is truly a “Woman’s Universe" With her formidable drive, undeniable talent & genuine love for humanity, we invite you to join her live bio & journey on future endeavors & things to come on both Youtube & Instagram with impeccable beauty & style.